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Law Student

As a law student, I deal with tons of documents daily. With PDFPeer, I easily upload, summarize, and even streamline contract creation. It's a must-have for anyone studying law.

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Nick Patel

Web Devloper

As a web developer with over 15 years in the industry, I've seen my fair share of tools come and go. But PDFPeer? It's a game-changer. Being a beta tester, I had the privilege to witness its evolution firsthand. Now, I effortlessly chat with our company's customer requirements and SOPs daily, making my workflow smoother than ever. Kudos to the PDFPeer team!

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Ben Tremblay

Real Estate Agent

Since integrating PDFPeer into my operations, the way I manage and interact with documents has been transformed. It's really good tool.

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Being a student, I'll admit, I'm not the most diligent when it comes to poring over lengthy PDFs. But with PDFPeer, studying has become a breeze! I can now chat with my lecture notes and textbooks, getting the information I need without the usual hassle. It's the perfect tool for someone as laid-back as me.

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George Burton


I combine all the resumes into one PDF and just ask PDFPeer bot to summarize it and also find the most relevant candidates. It's a huge time saver.

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Alia Sultana

Job Seeker

Job hunting used to be tedious with lengthy PDFs. With PDFPeer, I chat directly with job descriptions, making my search effortless!